Friday, January 31, 2014

Useful Macros

As I discussed in a previous post, I've found macros quite a bit more useful in FFXIV then I did in WoW. Crafting is much quicker using macros instead of figuring out what combination to use. I figured I'd post a few useful macros and commands.

First off, is the "/micon" command. This gives the macro a specific icon from an ability. Example:

/micon bio

This gives the macro the Bio icon. Bipassing the rather limited amount of icons available for selection. This also gives the icon a button cooldown, like the others on your toolbar.

Another useful command is <tt>. Example:

/ac bio <tt>

This casts the spell on the target of target. When playing a healer, I've found this command to be invaluable. I can keep my focus on the tank, and slap on a few DoTs between heals. Or even toss up a debuff.

Making a several spell macro with long lasting recast times? try '/recast'. Example:

/recast "rouse" <me>

This shows the time left before you can recast the spell. Useful for keeping track of any spells on cooldown, or whether a spell has actually trigger.

Here's a full blown macro for my fishing buddies.

/micon "Cast"
/ac "Hook" <me>
/wait 11
 /ac "mooch" <me>
/ac "Cast" <me>

So, this is meant to be activated when you hear or see that a fish has bitten. The animation takes a while to go through. At the end, it will first attempt to mooch the fish to catch a bigger one. If this doesn't work, it will once again cast out.


Alchemist: 30

Armorer: 30

Blacksmith: 30

Botanist: 27 -> 32

Carpenter: 30

Conjurer: 22-> 27

Culinarian: 33 -> 37

Fisher: 25 -. 28

Goldsmith: 30 -> 31

Leatherworker: 30

Miner: 30 -> 32

Thaumetergist:  25 -> 26

Weaver: 31-> 32

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