Sunday, December 29, 2013

leveling and crafting macros

So, I did a bit of research. It appears that Cleric Stance isn't build for Int Arcanists after all. Yeah, it switches your Int and Mind around. But it also lowers your healing in favor of raising your spell damage. If it wasn't for the fact that Summoner's can't use it, it would be perfect for a Mind Arcanist to use for a Summoner.

While I enjoy crafting, mass creating items takes a lot of time, and is boring. Having to go from one ability to the other. Unless of course, you want to quick synthesize. But then you have less of a chance of HQ items, and less xp.So, I started crafting macros. This way, I only have to press one or two buttons to create an items, and get over 200% xp from crafting.

Some people aren't used to making macros. Even less use them for crafting. So, here is an example of my own macros. Today, I've been mass producing Crow Fly lures. I had to divide it into two macros. Due to the limit of 15 lines per macro.

Step 1:

/ac "waste not" <me>
/wait 3
/ac "Careful synthesis" <me>
/wait 3
/ac "Careful synthesis" <me>
/wait 3
/ac "Careful synthesis" <me>
/wait 3
/ac "Careful synthesis" <me>

Step 2:

/ac "inner quiet" <me>
/wait 3
/ac "steady hand" <me>
/wait 3
/ac "standard touch" <me>
/wait 3
/ac "standard touch" <me>
/wait 3
/ac "standard touch" <me>
/wait 3
/ac "standard touch" <me>
/wait 3
/ac "Careful synthesis" <me>

Why wait 3 seconds? Because of how long it takes to cool down the abilities. I suppose if your computer is fast enough, you can lower the wait time. <me> causes the ability to target you. And is necessary. If you have any question about macros, post them in the comments.


Goldsmith: 17 -> 20

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