Monday, January 13, 2014

Summoner and Scholar

The time came to return to Y'mhitra! Having defeated Garuda, I was ready to take her essence and summon her egi! But first, new clothes! Ymhitra has apparently found me some special gear, crafted for summoners! So I'm off to get my new threads!

The trip takes me to Mor Dhona, a frozen wasteland with crystals everywhere. Apparently, the gear was uncovered by some archeologists. But they weren't going to just let me have them. no. I must first get rid of the Mirrorknights invading the dig sites.

The constructs fell one by one. And for each, I was rewarded with a piece of the Evoker's gear. I could feel the ancient arcane power in them. And finally, I was given the headpiece. The horn. The symbol of the Summoner. And I knew, I was ready. Ready to bind Garuda-Egi to my services.

Y'mhitra had found the perfect location. The Floating City of Nym. It was time to return to those ruins. The whispers were calling to me through the win. The journey was quick, the path was clear. And before long, the ritual was underway.

Garuda-egi lived up to her original form. she lashed at me with powerful winds, her pinions striking at me. And when I thought I had her down, she summoned a pair of egis of her own to assault me. Still, infused with the power of the Allegan, she went down like the others.

Y'mhitra congratulated me, on binding the three avatars to my service. And promised me that she would seek out information on Tristain, and what treasure he sought. But until then, I had other tasks. And it was off to the Marauder's guild to speak with Alka.

Alka, too, had new gear for me. She had found inscriptions depicting the ancient scholar garments. She hoped they would restore more of my pixie's memories. I would first need direwort shrubs. Their dye an important ingrediant. I would then take this material to the master tailors of Ul'dah.

The shrubs were guarded by Marlboro's. Those foul breathing plants. I spent the battle running around the field, picking them off one by one. Their noxious fumes nearly did me in. But I prevailed at the end.

Leaves in hand, I headed to meet Mister Redolent Rose. While he was able to do some of the work, he wasn't able to do it alone. I was forced to visit the goldsmiths and leatherworkers to complete the outfit. The trip was worth it. As I soon stood in a set of gear worthy of a scholar.

I returned to Alka, the very image of a Nymian Scholar. She had translated more of the tablets, reporting a story of a virulent plague. The scholars, with the aid of the fairys, purified the land of this disease. She sent me to Camp Bronze Lake, to help the ill and wounded.

They eagerly welcomed me at the camp, and sent me to work. My magic easily removed the disease. However, as soon a I cured my third and fifth patient, I was attacked by the corrupted aether I had extracted. The plague cured, I headed back to Alka. My faerie, meanwhile, had remember the purifying magic.

And now, what you all wish to see. My beauty in these new gears!



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